Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What project do you feel most reflects you as an artist and Why?

The project that most reflects me as an artist would be my monster because we could do pretty much whatever we wanted with it. With that space to figure out what we wanted to do we could figure out who we are as an artist but also as a person. I did the long tongue because it is crazy like me. I did the lightning bolt because I like Harry Potter and mythology. I did the pig nose because I love pigs and the rest was just crazy things that I thought would look awesome. 

What project was your biggest challenge and why?

This project was my biggest challenge because it was my first piece if work. I was just learning how to work with the clay to get it the way I wanted it. The coils were always cracking and I had no idea how to fix it.  But as time went one I learned good tricks to make sure the clay wouldn't crack. Such as keeping my hand moist and always having water near. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

What project helped you grow and improve or test your skills as an artist?

The project that tested me as an artist was my fruit goblet. It is difficult to balance things and it made me more patient. It also tested me as an artist because of the fact that I had to make the fruit look realistic. I did get the results I wanted but it could have been better; but everything could be better. 

What was your favorite project and why?

My favorite project was the cup because I got to do pretty much what I wanted with it. I used things that I like in different types of cups. I used the shape of a coffee cup that I saw in Mrs. Gravlin's room. I also used the handle of a stein because it was different than anybody was doing.